Competency Training

This service is available for hospitals and institutions needing training for their therapy or nursing department.

Competency Training

Competency training is vital to ensure that clinicians are able to demonstrate proficiency in their job responsibilities.  For obvious reasons, most health care professionals are required to complete CPR training and demonstrate proficiency every 2 years regardless of how much expertise they have.  We feel there should be no difference in how we approach other interventions that can impact a patient’s life.  It is important to stay current and make sure you are providing the best and most accurate interventions for your clients.

Competency training is available for the following, but not limited to:

  • Intermittent catheterization – With use of anatomical models, clinician must accurately demonstrate steps for intermittent catheterization for both male and female. This is an individualized competency check-off.  A certificate will be provided upon successful completion.  Length – 30 min – 1 hour per clinician depending on proficiency level.*
  • Condom catheter management – With use of an anatomical model, clinician must accurately demonstrate steps for donning/doffing a male external catheter. This is an individualized competency check-off.  A certificate will be provided upon successful completion.  Length – 30 min per clinician depending on proficiency level.*
  • Ostomy pouch management – With use of an anatomical model (wearable stoma), clinician must accurately demonstrate steps for pouch change including pouch removal, emptying pouch and donning new pouch. This is an individualized competency check-off.  A certificate will be provided upon successful completion.  Length – 30 min – 1 hour per clinician depending on proficiency level.*

* For skills check-off, clinician must first complete an in-service or course on the subject matter.

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