Preparing for the Ostomy Management Specialist board certification exam is no easy task. We know how stressful and nerve-racking it can be not knowing if you are going to pass. The truth is that even really skilled clinicians can have difficulties and not test well. Unfortunately, no amount of studying will give you feedback on your areas of strength and weakness. It's for this reason we highly recommend that before you schedule your exam, you test your knowledge. Don't risk failing the first time around knowing that a practice test is available that can significantly boost your score.
This practice test was designed to help prepare clinicians for the ostomy management specialist board certification exam. The test is comprised of 100 questions and covers all the key areas that you need to know in order to be successful in passing your exam. After you finish, you will immediately receive your score along with an explanation of the answers. While we can not guarantee that a passing score on this practice test will translate to a passing score on the board certification exam, we are confident that the questions will help you identify your strengths and potential weaknesses so you can focus your studies and better prepare. Good luck and we wish you the best!
Single Registrant - $100

Ostomy Management Specialist Practice Test Registration
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