
My Origin Story...

When I first started as a therapist in 2008, I was young, naive, making $25 an hour and was just passionate for helping patients.  Looking back, I wish someone had told me what I know now...

There is an entire world of opportunities out there that you never dreamed possible.  You can have work life balance, financial freedom and accomplish things beyond your expectations.  I created this space to help occupational therapists discover what is waiting for them and is ripe for the taking!

My Belief

The best way to make a difference and change lives is to expand your knowledge and share that knowledge with others.  If you want to have more knowledge, you need to invest in yourself.  Most occupational therapists make the mistake of thinking, like I did, that working hard and taking good care of patients is eventually going to help you advance in your career.  Sadly, that's not true in most cases!

Despite going to school for a long time and having a lot of knowledge, the reality is there is so much more that you do not know.  I considered myself to be very intelligent yet it was not until I had several mentors that I realized how little I knew.  OT school does not teach you how to be business savvy and how to market yourself.

Even with great clinical knowledge, if you do not know how to sell yourself, you will never move up.  This is the value you get when you work with a mentor.  They will tell what you need to work on and help you avoid the mistakes they made so you can achieve your goals faster.

Why I Made A Change

In 2008, I graduated from OT school with over 60K in student debt.  For many students now in 2024, this has almost doubled.  I was paying over $700 a month for my loan, and barely had enough to pay for a small 1 bedroom apartment.  I was working 50+ hours a week, and was living paycheck to paycheck.

When I met my wife, I did not know how I was going to afford to pay for a ring, a wedding, a home and provide for the bare necessities on an OT salary.  I worked incredibly hard but was only making small improvements to my financial situation each year.  Looking back, the small merit increases I received as an OT was eviscerated by inflation and rising costs of living.  Sound familiar?

Most of us become therapists because we care and we want to improve patient's lives.  Most therapists know that they are not going to make anesthesiology money, but it's frustrating to not see a good return on your investment.  After 10 years working in various clinical settings, this is when it really hit me.  I'll never forget the day a friend who left the clinical setting pulled me aside and told me he was making over 200K a year.  At that time I was only making 80K and I cried a little inside...I knew it was time for me to leave.

For those that have seen the Matrix, I felt like Neo waking up and seeing things differently for the first time.  It is because of my mentors that I am where I am today.  I now own and run a national education company and am also an area manager for a global technology company.  It is now my mission to help other therapists see all the possibilities available and to reach their true potential.